Motor skills:
- Fine Motor Skills for Children with Down Syndrome-
Bruni, Maryanne, 2nd edition (Woodbine House, 2006). This expanded edition provides a comprehensive overview of fine motor development in children with Down syndrome and includes many strategies for helping children master daily living skills.
- Gross Motor Skills for Children with Down Syndrome-
Winders, Patricia, 2nd edition (Woodbine House, 2014). An updated version of Winders’ guide for developing gross motor skills for children from birth to age 6.
Communication Skills
- Discovery DVD: Pathways to Better Speech for Children with Down Syndrome-
Schermerhorn, Will (Woodbine House, 2005). This DVD covers milestones and issues in speech development from birth to age 7 and offers practical suggestions for helping children with Down syndrome improve their speech.
- Early Communication Skills for Children with Down Syndrome-
Kumin, Libby, 3rd edition (Woodbine House, 2012). Guide to language development and communication skills from birth through age 6. Includes an expanded section addressing the needs of children with extra challenges, such as apraxia or a dual diagnosis.
- Helping Children with Down Syndrome Communicate Better: Speech and Language Skills for Ages 6-14 (Topics in Down Syndrome)-
Written by Dr. Libby Kumin, an expert in Down syndrome and communication, this is the only book about speech and language issues for children with Down syndrome ages 6-14, and is the sequel to Early Communication Skills for Children with Down Syndrome.
- Love and Learning-
Reading and Language Development resources for children birth to 5 years.
- Midwestern University Speech-Language Institute-
The Midwestern University Speech-Language Institute helps clients overcome anything that makes communication challenging. Clinical faculty have expertise addressing the unique needs of both children and adults with communication impairment. Working with graduate student clinicians, we evaluate and treat a wide range of speech, language, and swallowing disorders. We serve individuals with developmental delay, cognitive impairment, aphasia, traumatic brain injury, autism, learning disabilities, hearing loss, social communication disorders, voice disorders, stuttering, and more. We also assess and remediate feeding and swallowing difficulties encountered by children and adults. Individual and group therapy is available.
- See and Learn Speech-
Program developed by Down Syndrome Education to help children with Down syndrome develop clearer speech.
- Simple Smart Phone
- Speaking of Apraxia-
Lindsay, Leslie (Woodbine House, 2012). A parent summarizes current knowledge and treatment options for Childhood Apraxia of Speech and shares helpful strategies.
- Talk Tools-
Products and resources related to feeding and speech therapies.
- What Did You Say?-
A Guide to Speech Intelligibility in People with Down Syndrome
Kumin, Libby and Will Schermerhorn (Woodbine House, 2006). In this DVD, Libby Kumin covers issues which affect speech intelligibility in children and adults with Down syndrome and strategies for improving clarity of speech.
Alternative Communication Systems:
Sign Language
- Handspeak-
Free sign language resources and ASL materials
- Sign Me A Story-
Mobile learning of sign language through story, song, and video.
- Sign With Me-
American Sign Language resources for teaching infants and toddlers how to communicate with signs.
- Signing Time-
Resources for teaching infants sign language.
- Time To Sign-
Sign Language education and training.
Visual Systems
- A Picture's Worth-
PECS and Other Visual Communication Strategies in Autism, 2nd edition
Bondy, Andy and Lori Frost (Woodbine House, 2011). An introduction to the Picture Exchange Communication System, which is used by many people with disabilities to communicate basic needs. - Activity Schedules for Children with Autism-
McClannahan, Lynn, 2nd edition (Woodbine House, 2010). Covers how to use activity schedules to structure tasks and teach skills.
- Seeing is Believing-
Video Self-Modeling for People with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
Buggey, Tom (Woodbine House, 2009). This book provides instructions on shooting and editing video footage to help children with developmental disabilities improve skills through visual modeling of desired behaviors.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- AbleData-
Searchable database for information about assistive technology, products, vendors, and other resources.
- Assistive Technology Exchange Network-
Illinois program which refurbishes and recycles computers and other equipment and distributes them to individuals with disabiltiies.
- Assistive Technology for Young Children-
Creating Inclusive Learning Environments
Sadao, Kathleen Curry and Nancy Robinson (Brookes Publishing, 2010). Recommended AT practice for children birth to 5. - Augmentative and Alternative Communication-
Supporting Children and Adults with Complex Communication Needs, 4th edition
Beukelman, David and Pat Mirenda (Brookes Publishing, 2013). Guide to AAC processes, interventions, and technologies. - Center on Technology and Disability-
An online resource provided by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs which provides resources and online classes related to technology and disability.
- Illinois Assistive Technology Program-
The Illinois Assistive Technology Program (IATP) is the non-profit organization designated as the Statewide AT Program funded under the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, as amended. IATP’s lead agency is the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Rehabilitation Services.
IATP’s mission is to increase access to and the acquisition of Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services for individuals of all ages with disabilities. IATP provides AT information and services in the areas of education, employment, community living, and IT/telecommunications. Our goal is to improve the quality of life of all Illinoisans with disabilities and enable them through greater access to assistive technology devices to fully participate in all aspects of life.
- Infinitec-
Infinitec (Infinite Potential through Technology) is the assistive technology program of UCP Sequin. It provides technology to improve independence and inclusion for children and adults with disabilities, including equipment, training, and access to specialists and resources.
- TechMatrix-
Searchable database with information about assistive and educational technologies and research articles.
Academic Skills:
- eReadingPro-
System for teaching reading to students who are visual learners (by one of the original founders of the popular Out of the Box Reading Program).
- Helping Children with Down Syndrome Communicate Better: Speech and Language Skills for Ages 6-14 (Topics in Down Syndrome)-
Written by Dr. Libby Kumin, an expert in Down syndrome and communication, this is the only book about speech and language issues for children with Down syndrome ages 6-14, and is the sequel to Early Communication Skills for Children with Down Syndrome.
- Love and Learning-
Reading and Language Development resources for children birth to 5 years.
- Next Chapter Book Club-
A literacy program for people with developmental disabilities.
- Open Books Open Doors-
A literacy program developed in Connecticut to teach reading to children with Down syndrome.
- Sandbox Learning-
Provides tools to personalize children's books.
- See and Learn Language and Reading-
A program developed by Down Syndrome Education to help children with Down syndrome learn to talk and to read.
- Special Reads for Special Needs-
A reading program designed by Natalie Hale to teach children with Down syndrome how to read.
- Targeting Language Delays-
IEP Goals and Activities for Children with Developmental Challenges
Lee, Caroline (Woodbine House, 2014). Strategies for teaching listening, language and reading skills. - Teaching Reading to Children with Down Syndrome-
Oelwein, Patricia (Woodbine House, 1995). A nationally recognized method for teaching reading to children with Down syndrome.
- Try Reading Again-
How to Motivate and Teach Older Beginners, Age 10 and Up
Horstmeier, DeAnna (Woodbine House, 2012). A beginning reading program tailored to the interests and vocabulary of older readers.
- Managing My Money-
Hale, Natalie (Woodbine House, 2010). Money management skills for teens and adults with intellectual disabilities.
- See and Learn Numbers-
A program developed by Down Syndrome Education to teach early math concepts to children with Down syndrome through age 7.
- Splash Math-
Our award winning app introduces fun in the learning and practice of math with interactive games that makes the kids understand difficult concepts with ease.
- Teaching Math Activities and Games-
Horstmeier, DeAnna (Woodbine House, 2008). CD ROM. This companion to her Teaching Math series allows parents to print out worksheets, games, and teaching aids from the appendices of her books.
- Teaching Math to People with Down Syndrome and Other Hands-On Learners, Book I-
Horstmeier, DeAnna (Woodbine House, 2004). Activities concentrate on visual learning strategies and on elementary school topics, such as number sense, counting, calculations, and measurement.
- Touch Math-
A multi-sensory math program for struggling math learners.
Other Educational Resources:
- Apps for Children with Special Needs-
The site includes categories, reviews, and other information about apps designed for children with special needs.
- Down Syndrome Education USA-
A non-profit organization dedicated to improving early intervention and education for children with Down syndrome. It conducts educational research and provides evidence-based resources.
- Down Syndrome Research Foundation-
At the Down Syndrome Research Foundation, we investigate best practices and initiate and participate in research studies to gain a better understanding of the learning styles of individuals with Down syndrome. Using behavioural assessments, we are gaining new insight into how people with Down syndrome see the world around them and process information. Such insights are enabling us to develop effective programs appropriate to each person - programs that maximize academic, social, health and language development.
- Helping Children with Down Syndrome Communicate Better: Speech and Language Skills for Ages 6-14 (Topics in Down Syndrome)-
Written by Dr. Libby Kumin, an expert in Down syndrome and communication, this is the only book about speech and language issues for children with Down syndrome ages 6-14, and is the sequel to Early Communication Skills for Children with Down Syndrome.
- Lekotek Play Resources-
Resources on toys and therapeutic play for children with special needs.
- The Center: Resources for Teaching and Learning-
Resource center for early childhood, elementary, and adult education.
Adult Skills Building
No Boundaries
No Boundaries – Train for Work, Train for Life is an experiential on-land and on-line training program where transitioning teens through adults with disabilities build essential skills for the 21st Century workplace and for living more independently in today’s world. Through a combination of experiential and community-based learning in a real workplace setting, participants build skills in 8 essential areas: Communication, Technology, Judgment, Self-Organizing, Social Thinking, Personal Responsibility, Self-Advocacy and Independence. No Boundaries provides economical, yet personalized and integrated skills practice, with flexible enrollment. Qualifying individuals at No Boundaries have access to internships and work opportunities in the community.