
  • Iannone, Nancy McCrea and Stephanie Meredith, Diagnosis to Delivery: A Pregnant Mother’s Guide to Down Syndrome (download from or order from Woodbine House Publishing). A booklet for expectant parents which addresses questions about pregnancy and about their baby’s future.
  • Rapp, Linda Chann, Light at the End of the Tunnel. This booklet was created by the Down Syndrome Association of Orange County for parents who have received a prenatal diagnosis. Parents share advice drawn from their experience. Download from
  • Schermerhorn, Will, Down Syndrome: The First 18 Months (Woodbine House, 2004). DVD. An introduction featuring interviews with parents and experts.
  • Skallerup, Susan, editor, Babies with Down Syndrome: A New Parents Guide, 3rd edition (Woodbine House, 2008). This new edition covers all aspects of caring for a baby with Down syndrome.

Family Stories

  • Beck, Martha, Expecting Adam: A True Story of Birth, Rebirth, and Everyday Magic (Three Rivers Press, Reprint edition 2011). A memoir of her pregnancy and the birth of her son with Down syndrome.
  • Hampton, Kelle, Bloom: Finding Beauty in the Unexpected—A Memoir (William Morrow, 2012). A popular blogger (Enjoying the Small Things) reflects on changes in her life after the birth of her daughter with Down syndrome.
  • Soper, Kathryn Lynard, Gifts: Mothers Reflect on How Children with Down Syndrome Enrich Their Lives (Woodbine House, 2007). In this candid and poignant collection of personal stories, sixty-three mothers describe the gifts of respect, strength, delight, perspective, and love, which their child with Down syndrome has brought into their lives.

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